Ukraine, on the walls of Milan Anna Frank with yellow and blue colors

Lto street art against war in Ukraine. The works in favor of peace arrive on the walls of Milan. Here is a new version of Anne Frank in the colors of the Ukrainian flag while setting fire to the symbol of the Russians.

Ukraine, the citizens of Odessa prepare for the Russian siege by singing Bon Jovi: the band supports them

Anne Frank on the walls of Milan

A yellow and blue dress and in his hand the Z, symbol of the Russian invaders, which goes up in flames. It is Anne Frank reinterpreted by the street artist aleXsandro Palombo appeared on the walls of Milan. A clear reference to the war in Ukraine, as the artist himself explained on his profiles social. “We are witnessing a model of war that evolves with multiple means including those of fake news and propaganda on social networks to influence feelings and public opinion” wrote the artist.

Memory is the most powerful antibody

Palombo’s work is also a warning to the world not to forget. “Putin’s “denazification” is a heavy propaganda operation and mystification conducted to justify the barbaric invasion of Ukraine. Memory is one of the most powerful antibodies that allows us to defend ourselves from the dangers of the present»The words of the street artist.

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Putin and his corpse

The Italian one is just one of the many street art works that have been created in various European cities. A few days ago, in Sofia, this picture of the artist Stanislav Belovski appeared: Putin holding his own body in his hands. A strong image that immediately made the rounds of the web. Inviting to reflect.

