Ukraine loses an average of 4-5 soldiers to advance 100 meters during counter-offensive | War Ukraine and Russia

The Ukrainian counter-offensive is taking a heavy human toll that weighs on the morale of the troops. The Russians appear to be well prepared and have laid mines everywhere to prevent the advance of the Ukrainian army.

According to a Kyiv Post report, Ukrainian troops are suffering from declining morale as more and more casualties fall within their ranks during the counter-offensive to recapture territory from Russia.

“For every 100 meters we recapture, we lose 4-5 soldiers – that’s the average loss,” an unnamed Ukrainian infantryman told the Kyiv Post. “As long as we hold our positions, we can say there are no losses; there may be some minor injuries. But as soon as we advance, there are great losses. Up to half a unit for every kilometer we advance and then it is not certain that we will be able to hold that kilometer later on,” he said.

The soldier, who fought near Russian-occupied Donetsk, told the newspaper his unit captured and then lost several Russian trenches because Ukrainian forces had trained to capture them but had not trained to protect them from counter-attacks.

“Snail’s pace”

A Ukrainian doctor at the front told the Kyiv Post that the Russians have been given too much time to prepare for the announced Ukrainian counter-offensive.

Every square inch is mined

Ukrainian doctor at the front

“And they have prepared very well. Every square inch is mined. They lay mines on the access roads to their positions and blow them up when they retreat.” As a result, the Ukrainian armed forces can only move at a “snail’s pace”.

The Ukrainian soldiers are not only confronted with mines, but also with booby traps, grenade impacts and artillery, the soldier said.

“In a month’s time, we’ve only progressed a mile. We’re moving inches forward, but I don’t think that gain in territory is worth all the manpower and equipment we’ve lost,” he said.

The soldiers said their units were still prepared to continue attacking despite damaged morale.

But it is not all doom and gloom for the Ukrainians at the front. Other units who spoke to the paper paint a different, more positive picture. Especially those fighting around Bachmoet said that their attacks are successful and the morale is excellent.

LOOK. Heavy fighting in Bachmoet again

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