UKRAINE LIVE. Russian attacks “very close” to border of NATO member state Romania: “We are concerned” | Home


Attacks “very close” to Romanian border, Romanian president reports

There are Tuesday attacks have been directed at Ukraine, very close to the Romanian border. The president of the NATO member state said this at a press conference on Tuesday. “The attacks were recorded 800 meters from our border. So very close,” says Klaus Iohannis.

Since the suspension of the grain deal in July, Russia has stepped up its bombings in Ukraine’s southwestern region bordering Romania. There are ports and other infrastructure vital for trade.

On Monday, Ukraine said it had proof of that Russian explosive drones had come down in Romania on Sunday night. Bucharest denied this through the Ministry of Defense.

The Romanian Prime Minister repeated that message. “There are no debris, drones or other craft that have landed in Romania,” he said. “We have complete control over our airspace. We have controlled absolutely everything and I can reassure the public.”

“But we are concerned because of the close proximityof these repeated attacks, he added.

Romanian President Klaus Iohannis. ©AFP


US: North Korea will pay price for arms supply to Russia

The United States warns North Korea of ​​consequences if it supplies arms to Russia for the war in Ukraine. “They will pay a price in the international community for this,” National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan said.

North Korea and Russia are negotiating, according to the US ammunition and other supplies for the battle in Ukraine. They would “make progress,” a White House spokesman said last week. The US has called on North Korea to halt negotiations.

The Americans think that the North Korean leader Kim Jong-un is traveling to Russia this month to meet Russian President Vladimir Putin. According to the US, these consultations will include weapons for the Russian army in Ukraine. The Kremlin says it cannot confirm the meeting. “We have nothing to say about this,” said a spokesman Tuesday.

Kim rarely travels abroad and has not left North Korea in over four years. His travels abroad are usually accompanied by a great deal of secrecy and heavy security. The North Korean dictator is expected to travel by armored train to Vladivostok, a Russian city not far from North Korea, for his meeting with Putin.


LOOK. Putin: “The West installed Zelensky to cover up the glorification of Nazism”
