Ukraine, grown on the battlefield, buries the option of negotiating with Putin

The ukrainian war keeps getting complicated, with a Russia increasingly weak on and off the battlefield –and therefore more unpredictable– and authorities in Kyiv increased by the decisive advance of its troops in the south and east of the country. While the Russian Parliament ratified the illegal annexation of the four occupied regions partially by his troops in Ukraine, President Volodymyr Zelensky signed a decree that buries the possibility of negotiate with the Kremlin while Vladimir Putin be president. “We are ready to dialogue with Russia, but only with another president of Russia & rdquor ;, said the Ukrainian leader after signing an executive law that affirms the “impossibility” to negotiate with the current Russian leadership.

This dialogue has been in dry dock for some time, despite attempts to Turkey and Israel of acting as mediators or the occurrence launched on Monday by the billionaire Elon Musk on social networks, a proposal closer to Russian than Ukrainian positions, which has generated unrest in kyiv. Among other ideas the founder of Tesla proposed the celebration of rreferendums supervised by the United Nations in the four regions annexed by the Kremlin and the recognition of crimea as part of Russia. “Which Elon Musk do you like more: the one who supports Ukraine or the one who supports Russia?” Zelinski sarcastically replied on the networks.

His decree is so inflexible that it could be interpreted as a form of sow discord in Moscow, where more and more commentators dare to air the disastrous course that the war has taken for their interests. So much so that if the internal discontent continued to grow it could be used as an argument by the Putin’s rivals in a eventual palace revolt to remove him from power. What is clear is that Ukraine currently has few incentives to negotiate with the same autocrat who proclaimed last week that Lugansk, Donetsk, Kherson Y Zaporizhia “they will be forever” part of the Russian homeland.

Recovered Territories

After recovering over the weekend the strategic town of Liman in the Donetsk region, abandoned by Russian troops so quickly that they left dozens of bodies of his comrades thrown in the guttersUkrainian troops broke through the front lines at Kherson to consummate their further progress in the south from the first weeks of the invasion. Zelensky’s military have managed to advance a minimum of 30 kilometers to the south, according to various sources, and this Tuesday they released at least four other locations. Between them Davidiv Brid Y starisillia.

His military continues to the west of the dnipro riverbut they are no longer too far from cities like Nova Jakhovk, considered by Western sources cited by ‘The Guardian’, as an essential place for Russia to maintain control of the capital of Kherson and the Crimean peninsula.

Western support for Zelensky’s position

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kyiv also seems to have the support of its allies in its bid to close itself off from a possible negotiation, raised by the Kremlin with increasing frequency, perhaps due to its need to pause the war and buy time to recompose your decimated troops. “Now there is no chance that the negotiations will end the war that Russia launched on Ukraine & rdquor ;, said the German foreign minister, annalena baerbock In an interview. “Putin’s proposal sounded like ‘let’s steal the countryto enslave your citizens and then we sign peace& rdquor ;, he added in reference to the order to negotiate expressed last week by the Russian leader while announcing the annexation of occupied Ukraine.

In its desperate search for fresh meat for the front lines, the Kremlin has already recruited 200,000 reservists, according to his defense minister. Far fewer, however, than 700,000 Russians who have escaped of the country since the mobilization was announced on September 21, according to the Russian edition of ‘Forbes’ magazine.
