Ukraine: Dutch embassy returns to Kyiv | news item

News item | 29-04-2022 | 10:38

Ambassador Jennes de Mol will return to Kyiv, the capital of Ukraine, on April 29 with a small part of the Dutch embassy staff. But please note: the consular section of the Dutch embassy in Ukraine is still closed.

Why are the embassy staff returning now?

A diplomatic post in Kyiv is of great value for contact with the Ukrainian government. Embassies of other EU countries are also returning. It is important that the Netherlands continues to cooperate with all these countries; also from Ukraine.

It is also important for the Netherlands to have a good overview of the current situation in Ukraine. For example, to estimate where the security risks are. Or to see where emergency aid is needed and how Dutch humanitarian aid is spent.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs is working step by step towards the safe return of a small part of the embassy staff to Ukraine. On April 16, the embassy staff already returned to Lviv. Meanwhile, the security situation allows to return to Kyiv. For the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the safety of its employees has the highest priority. Extra measures are being taken for this.

Do not travel to Ukraine

It travel advice for Ukraine is still red. Because of the war it is too dangerous to travel there. So don’t go to Ukraine, whatever your situation is.

Embassy closed for consular assistance

The Dutch embassy in Kyiv is not open or accessible for consular assistance. However, anyone who needs help can call the Foreign Affairs contact center day and night on +31 247 247 247. frequently asked questions about the situation in Ukraine
