Ukraine continues to advance in the east: villages and towns liberated

The Ukrainian army is making a surprisingly rapid advance in northeastern Ukraine. In the last 24 hours, several key places in the area southeast of Kharkov have been recaptured from the Russian army, including Kupyansk and Izyum. Military experts predict that the successful counteroffensive could turn the war in Ukraine.

The Russian Defense Ministry confirmed on Saturday afternoon for Russian soldiers to withdraw. “In order to achieve the goals of the special operation to liberate the Donbas, it has been decided to regroup the troops in the regions of Balakliya and Izyum, so that the actions towards Donetsk can be stepped up.” It is the first communication from the Russian authorities on the current situation in eastern Ukraine. The withdrawal from Izhum has also been confirmed by Daniil Bezsonov, a pro-Russian driver in Donetsk province. Pro-Russian officials in the region are calling for ‘evacuation’.

Offensive in South

Last week, Ukraine launched a surprise attack in the northeast. Russia had just moved soldiers and equipment to the southern Kherson region, where Ukraine had already launched a counter-offensive at the end of August. The northern offensive turns out to be very successful. The town of Balaklija was followed by the liberation of the logistic hub Kupyansk on Friday night and the military-strategically important Izyum on Saturday. On social media, many unconfirmed reports of fighting in places even further in the Donbas are circulating: Lyman is said to have already been liberated, there would be shooting in Lysychansk and even at Donetsk airport.

Also read: Unexpected Ukrainian success with new counter-offensive: ‘Very effective’

Military experts praise the Ukrainian army leadership for surprising the Russians. The attack causes chaos on the Russian side: resting places and villages are hastily abandoned. The Russian soldiers are exhausted, lack weapons and ammunition and suffer from low morale. On the other hand, the motivated Ukrainian soldiers, who witness videos, are welcomed by the population as liberators after six months of occupation. Photos show soldiers with Ukrainian flags with each new reconquest. Thousands of Russian soldiers are expected to be surrounded by the Ukrainian armed forces. We don’t have enough room for all the POWs, joked an adviser to President Zelensky.

Worried and confused

In Russia, the setback in eastern Ukraine has not gone unnoticed. State TV commentators, normally confident in Russia’s victory, expressing concern and confusion. It is difficult, recognized TV presenter and propagandist Vladimir Solovyov. But he also pointed to a credo of Stalin: whoever panics, must be shot. The Kremlin’s silence – or the repeated announcement that the special military operation is proceeding according to plan – has angered military bloggers and war reporters. They accuse the Russian army leadership of incompetence.

A notable protest came from local administrators from St Petersburg and Moscow. Councilors from two districts in those cities sent a request to the State Duma to remove President Putin from office for treason. According to Smolninsky administrators in St Petersburg — the neighborhood where Putin grew up — Putin’s decision to attack Ukraine has resulted in massive loss of life, numerous war invalids, damage to the national economy and accelerated NATO expansion.

This Sunday is the last of three days of local and regional elections in Russia. It is expected that the war will hardly play a role in the elections and United Russia, the party that supports Putin, will retain the majority.
