Ukraine accuses Russia of killing 62 in school bombing

  • The airstrike caused a fire in a school in Belogorovka, in the province of Lugansk

  • Putin “cannot kill soldiers, but kills innocent children”, denounces the governor of the region

At least 62 people have died in the russian air strike this Saturday on a school in Belogorovka, in the Ukrainian province of Lugansk, as reported by the civil-military governor of the region, Serhii Haidai. The Ukrainian official explained on his Telegram channel that on Saturday at 4:37 p.m. a Russian bombardment caused a fire in the educational center and in the local House of Culture, according to the Ukrainian news agency Ukrinform.

“Most likely, all of the 60 people who are under the rubble of the building have died. He can’t kill soldiers, but kill innocent childrenHaidai lamented. “These are the real atrocities of the ‘Russian world’: bombing of a school with a bomb shelter, the murder of children,” he added.

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the flames were extinguished about four hours later and that’s when they discovered two bodies andamong the rubble. Another 30 people were pulled from the wreckage of the building, seven of them injured. Already then it was reported that another 60 people had probably perished under the building.

“Cause a famine”

Haidai had previously warned of the intention of the Russian forces to “deliberately cause a famine” in Lugansk with attacks on food stores and the water supply system. However, the governor stressed last Tuesday that the situation would change within two weeks thanks to the measures adopted by Ukraine’s Western allies. “For the Russian occupation it will only get worse,” he said.
