UKB Marzahn relies on AI when caring for patients

Signpost to the Trauma Hospital Berlin Marzahn

A building plan and signpost at the Unfallkrankenhaus Berlin (UKB) Photo: dpa/picture alliance

From BZ/dpa

In order to be able to treat stroke patients in acute situations even faster in the future, the Unfallkrankenhaus Berlin would like to expand the use of artificial intelligence (AI).

“It is extremely important to be quick in the event of a stroke,” said the director of the Institute for Radiology and Neuroradiology, Sven Mutze, of the German Press Agency. For example, if there is a circulatory disorder that could have serious health consequences such as signs of paralysis.

The clinic has therefore been testing an AI-supported app for about six months, which is intended to speed up treatment and diagnosis processes. The app collects all the information in the background and evaluates it, the radiologist explained. She then gives the attending physicians decision-making aids – this should help to identify and remove a possible blood clot even more quickly. “But the ultimate responsibility always and exclusively rests with the radiologist,” emphasized Mutze.

The application of AI is not about replacing staff. Rather, according to the radiologist, previous experience shows that the interaction of AI and radiology achieves the best result for the patient. It is conceivable that similar apps would also be used in the future to treat heart attacks or pulmonary embolism. In the radiology department of the accident hospital, doctors have been successfully supported by AI for two years.


Berlin Hospitals Artificial Intelligence Stroke UKB Marzahn
