UK promises 300,000 electric vehicle charging stations by 2030

A plan of 1.6 billion pounds (1.9 billion euros) has just been vote UK. The government hopes that this text, which provides for build a network of 300,000 charging stations for electric vehicles, will enable the country to reduce its dependence on foreign energy sources.

300,000 charging stations by 2030 to promote the transition to electric vehicles

To encourage British citizens to go electric, the United Kingdom is doing its utmost. The country has just decided on a massive investment to build a gigantic network of charging stations. Objective: multiply by ten the number of charging points by 2030 to reach 300,000 chargers. It’s ambitious and it’s certainly a solid argument to convince the still hesitant British to buy an electric vehicle.

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The voted text emphasizes fast charging stations for long journeys. This is indeed the current black point of electric vehicles (even if their sales have doubled between 2020 and 2021) and the major obstacle that prevents users from taking the plunge. An electric car to make short trips in town yes, but an electric car as the main vehicle for going on vacation is still too much logistics. It is precisely this problem that the investment plan hopes to change in the United Kingdom.

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The country wants to accelerate its transformation. As part of this budget, a first stage of 950 million pounds (1.1 billion euros) will be directly allocated to the establishment of a network of more than 6,000 fast charging stations along English motorways by 2025. The network must be accessible as soon as possible to initiate the transition to electric. Also within the framework of this text, 500 million pounds (600 million euros) have been allocated to the installation of charging stations in cities.

To facilitate the use of charging stations, drivers of electric vehicles will be able to use contactless payment to charge their car. They will also have at their disposal tools to compare the prices and use apps to find the nearest stations based on their geolocation. The UK plans to ban the sale of new fossil fuel vehicles by 2030. This huge charging network will therefore be essential to facilitate the transition to electric vehicles.

The government is also presenting this plan as a means of creating jobs and reducing its dependence on countries that produce fossil fuels. Without being quoted, Russia is obviously targeted by this plan. With gas and electricity prices soaring due to the invasion of Ukraine, the UK feels it is time to act and make decisions “historical”.
