Russia has the Oekraïne Tijdens de Oudejaarsnacht with a record of 90 drones, which means that 87 will be neered. This reports the Oekraïense luchtmacht on social media service Telegram. The local authorities should report this to the authorities in Donetsk and Odessa.
KIJK. Oekraïne reports a record of 90 Russian drones during the New Year
Various steden in Oekraïne zijn kort na middernacht opgeschrikt door Russian aanvallen, report local Oekraïense authorities. On the sea from Mykolaiv, Dnipro and Odessa we met. The New Year’s Night is also Lviv, in the west of the Ukraine, met by a drone, reports the governor of the region. Of the slachtoffers zijn, is still niet duidelijk.
The Russian President Volodymyr Zelensky has announced that he will be sent to the Russian Federation for midnight in a new country in 2024 in 2024. Zelensky describes Russian tropics as “devastated”.
“After a year of vijand de verwoestingen ondergaan”, Aldus Zelensky, who announced that the Oekraïne in 2024 will be equipped with a million drones, also via F-16-gevechtsvließuigen geleverd door to their western partners. “Only pilots lift the F-16’s on the knee and it is necessary for us to reach the internal location in the airspace. Onze vijanden zullen note hoe onze woede eruitziet”, aldus de president van Oekraïne.

Zelensky drove him to the west of the country and also to the people who wanted to confirm it, but he still had conflict in the situation. Thanks to the billions of dollars from the West, the Oekraine never faced the death of a large doorway and came into contact with the Russians. Moskou takes on the pressure on the front lines. Poetin lies in her nieuwjaarsboodschap verstaan dat zijn land “nooit zal opgeven”.
Russian ambassadors report on midnight also Oekraïense aanvallen op Donetsk en Horlivka, in the Donetsk region. Volgens de Russian authorities zijn daarbij three doden en zeven won.

The beweringen over and weer can never be verified.
What does he say after the large-shelled countries of Russia and Ukraine? “Russians take the route for a new, great offensive” (+)
Russia zal nooit opgeven, zegt poetin in nieuwjaarstoespraak

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