Ugly outfits of the week: style mistakes and star report cards

ulast week of June, and with red carpets and presentations it’s not much fun. The outfits are in fact almost always good. In addition, the attention is all for the press tour of Barbieto be released on 20 July, which has little to criticize, if not the duration, which is almost infinite in terms of the number of cities visited and promotional initiatives undertaken.

Luckily there are stars like Christina Aquilera aroundstriped divas with an air of reconquest of territory invaded by enemies, or wrecks stuck in the eighties such as Paula Abdulone of the many that attacked Madonna’s pop reign, remaining a negligible episode of her biography.

Ugly outfits of the week: the looks of Christina Aguilera, Paula Abdul and Barbara Venturato

Christina Aquilera. When there are no more zoos on the planet, and with them also the last animal specimen, we will look at this photo with benevolent and nostalgic eyes. Christina was warning us: if you carry on with deforestation and intensive farming, this tiger suit will be the only memory with wild life as you’ve known her (i.e. Netflix docs and Instagram reels). There’s no planet b, but neither is outfit b.

Christina Aquilera. (ip)

Paula Abdul. He choreographed the videos of Janet Jackson, Duran Duran, George Michael and the Oscarshis debut album (Forever your girl), took 64 weeks to hit No. 1 – the longest run in the history of Billboard. It was 1989, and there, Paula Abdul, remained. If not with the music, abandoned in 1995, with the looks. Strap on with the calm that follows the announcement of a ditching and with that typical asymmetrical bicolor taste typical of Fantastic. Thanks for making us regret the First Republic, Paula.

Paula Abdul. (Getty Images)

Barbara Venturato. No more in winter, in summer. Those who live in the cities, but also those who live in Ovindoli, have noticed this for some time. At the first heat the cool girls march serenely on the burning asphalt wearing Texan boots but not only. You watch them go by, and suddenly you’re inside Jeffrey Dahmer’s cellar – airy, habitable, overlooking the Pincio. Sublime experience, even for the 4, sometimes 6 sessions, with which the squeeze erases the memory.

Barbara Venturato. (Getty Images)

Queen Charlotte of Bridgerton

Golda Rosheuvel. Queen Charlotte Of Bridgerton And at the opening of the new temporary pavilion at the Serpentine Gallery in London. Being an event that mixes art, design and a lot of people who don’t understand anything about art and design, she went there with a strange outfit. Because the more you cause dismay, the more it seems that your brain is the only one that knows Dadaism. Or maybe, that cube bag is just a ploy to cheat as many voulevants as possible, other than touch kubrickian.

Golda Rosheuvel. (Getty Images)

