UFC appeared on the stock market – This is how much the stock costs

On September 13, TKO Group was listed on the stock exchange.

UFC, the biggest promotion in freestyle fighting, continues to grow strongly.

The recent interim report reveals that after the first half of this year, its turnover was a whopping 611 million dollars. Correspondingly, in 2022 at the same time (June 30) it was 527 million dollars.

In 2022, the total turnover of the UFC was 1.14 billion dollars.

Been following freestyle since the early 90s Jaakko Dahlbacka admits that the growth of the biggest factor in the sport has exceeded all expectations.

– I would never have thought of such a thing. I could have believed that it would be similar to what it is in professional boxing. Not everything there is focused on one promotion. But now the UFC’s bottom line is greater than all other major fight promotions combined. It’s shockingly big.

Already earlier this year, it was reported that Endeavor, which owns the UFC, also bought the show wrestling mega-organization WWE for itself.

Now Endeavor combined UFC and WWE under a company called TKO Group Holdings. In the future, that company’s business will be limited to the development of sports activities, while Endeavor will focus on the entertainment business.

TKO Group was listed on the stock exchange on September 12. The starting price of one share was over one hundred dollars, but since then it has dropped to about $81.

In the episode above, Kulmamiehet does not share investment tips. There is still enough discussion about, for example, why TKO Group immediately announced that it would lay off 100 employees.

The UFC has grown into a sports giant. PDO
