UEFA Youth League: BVB beat Manchester City 3-3

25.10.2022 – 18:30
| Source: UEFA |
Reading time: less than 1 min.

UEFA Youth League

A 3-3 win against Manchester City saved Borussia Dortmund’s U19s a chance of progressing to the UEFA Youth League. The English were able to convert the early deficit by Paris Brunner (2nd minute) into a 3-1 half-time lead with goals from Will Dickson (24th), Nico O’Reilly (40th) and Adedire Mebude (43rd), before Göktan Gürpüz equalized with a brace (47′, 62′).

A win in the final group match at FC Copenhagen on November 2 would mean coach Mike Tullberg’s team took second place and qualified for the playoffs.




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