UEFA warns that it may ban Osasuna from the European Conference League!

UEFA has warned that Spain’s Osasuna Club may be banned from the European Confederation League, which it is entitled to participate in next season, in connection with the finalized match-fixing penalty.

UEFA announced that, in line with the advisory report prepared by its inspectors, it was requested that Osasuna be deprived of his right to participate in the European Confederation League next season, as a sanction, due to the match-fixing incident detected in the last two matches of the 2013-2014 season.

It was stated that the UEFA Control, Ethics and Disciplinary Committee will evaluate the recommendation in the report submitted by the inspectors, and the Osasuna Club was informed about the issue.

It was noted that Osasuna has the right to apply to the Appeal Committee and submit a new defense before UEFA makes a final decision.

Osasuna, who did not find the criteria presented by UEFA correct, announced that he would continue his legal struggle to defend his rights to the end and would apply to the Appeal Committee.

Osasuna, who won the right to participate in the UEFA European Confederation League next season by finishing La Liga in 7th place last season, argued that “the right to participate in the European cup won fairly on the field should not be taken away”.

Osasuna was tried in Spain for allegedly fixing match-fixing in the last two games in order to stay in the league in the 2013-2014 season, and in April 2020, the court sentenced 9 out of 11 defendants to prison and fines.

This incident made history as the first penalty given for match-fixing in Spanish football history.
