Udinese-Juve, Allegri in conference | Gazzetta.it

The Juventus coach before the away match in Udine: “I like how the group is working, now we’ll have more time to prepare for the matches”

Cups yes, cups no. Better? Worse? The debate remains open and in the meantime Massimiliano Allegri, in a press conference on the eve of his Juve’s first official match, has his say: “I don’t know if not playing the cups is an advantage or not. The way we work will change, because we will have more time to prepare for the matches, but there is bitterness in not playing in the Champions League. Let’s transform this bitterness into anger to qualify for next year.” Then, another reflection: “I’m happy with the squad, but above all with how the group is working. We’ll see where we can get along the way. The team has ample room for improvement, we’ll have to be good at being in the top four in April”.

