Udinese asphalts Cremonese (1-3) with Arslan and Success

The bianconeri take the field against the Lombards and, after a carelessness, score 3 goals closing the speech in the first half of the match

12 minutes were enough for Cremonese to unlock the game. A strong and tense free-kick in the Juventus penalty area was broken on Beto who, unwittingly, displaced his goalkeeper. In short, the most classic of own goals. Yet, it only took a few seconds for the bianconeri to come close to equalizing with captain Pereyra.

the goal of1-1however, was not long in coming thanks to a lavish action by license plate Success, Beto and Arslan. The latter will be the author of a brace that arrived after a solitary progression in the opposing area. In short, an own goal from Beto, brace by Arslan and apologies from the Portuguese giant who, after the assist, scored an applause goal. Assist from the usual Success, man of the match, and shot from outside by Beto who managed to put her there where Carnesecchi could never have reached. In the second half, however, everything changes.
