Tynaarlo makes history with victory in derby against VAKO

FOOTBALL – For the first time in 75 years, SV Tynaarlo has won the derby against VAKO. Tynaarlo has not won a single time this season and started this game as the last of the Fifth Division D. VAKO from Vries was number 4 in the competition and still competed for the top places. In the 90th minute Bart Lammers made it 3-2 for Tynaarlo from a razor-sharp counter.

The derby started before the start of the game. Roelof Rutgers, Tynaarlo’s trainer, has a past as a trainer and player at VAKO and still lives in Vries. His fellow villagers got up early to decorate his house in red and yellow, the VAKO club colours.

At the turnout on the field in Tynaarlo, both teams were accompanied by fireworks, setting the setting for a great cracker. The players also showed fireworks on the field in the exciting match. After 8 minutes, the visitors, who had come to Tynaarlo by bicycle, took the lead with an own goal. In the course of the first half, Tynaarlo got more and more control over the game, but the home team went into halftime with a 0-1 deficit.

Tynaarlo came out of the break as the strongest and equalized in the 57th minute with a goal from Hans Hoekman. Ten minutes later it was Jeffrey Oldenhuis’s turn, who gave the hosts the lead. The residents of Vriezen started to play opportunistically and more often gave the long ball. With success, because just before time Stefan Hondeveld made it 2-2. In the final phase both teams went all out for the win and against all expectations it was Tynaarlo that took the longest. Bart Lammers brought the home team into ecstasy by scoring the winning goal in the 90th minute after a wonderful attack.

“In Tynaarlo, this victory feels like a championship,” says Tynaarlo coach Roelof Rutgers. He expects this historic victory to float around in the village for weeks to come. The grapes were sour for the opponents from the neighboring village of Vries. At the start of the season, VAKO was still talking about promotion, but they have now abandoned that ambition. “You can no longer use promotion if you lose to Tynaarlo,” says VAKO attacker Patrick Steenbergen.
