Tynaarlo has 1.4 million euros left on the budget

The municipality of Tynaarlo has 1.4 million euros left over in the 2024 budget. That money is desperately needed to make plans for housing construction and sustainability possible.

Councilor Hans de Graaf (Christian Union) says that Tynaarlo has ‘a full agenda with great spearheads’ in 2024. “At the same time, we are dealing with uncertainties such as the direction of the new cabinet and the impact of the Youth reform agenda. This means that some conservatism is desirable.”

In the coming years, more money will be available for housing construction and village plans in Eelde and Zuidlaren. The municipality is also continuing to work on plans for other villages.

The municipality also wants to build at least 450 homes in Tynaarlo by 2026. Houses are to be built in Vries-Zuid and Ter Borch, among others, while plans are already in place in Eelde-Paterswolde.

Tynaarlo wants to help its own residents make homes more sustainable with energy coaches. The municipality itself is contributing by making its own fleet more sustainable.

In order to raise Tynaarlo’s youth ‘safely and healthily’, the municipality will continue to invest in sports facilities in the coming years.

In line with other Drenthe municipalities, Tynaarlo expects a ‘ravine year’ in 2026. “Given the current state of affairs, we, like all municipalities in the Netherlands, will receive substantially less money from The Hague for 2026 and 2027. The challenges we jointly face, especially in the areas of migration, housing and climate, cannot be achieved. are carried out without an adequate budget.”

The city council will discuss the current budget during the council meeting on Tuesday, November 7.
