Tycho has his stolen work bus back: ‘It was full of drug waste’

Tycho Scheepers (22) from Kaatsheuvel had only just started working as a gardener when his white work bus was stolen in September. He thought he would never see the bus again, until he suddenly received a phone call from the police from Brunssum. The bus was found in Limburg and was full of drug waste.

The theft of the bus in September was a big blow through the account of the starting entrepreneur. Tycho had bought the bus for 10,000 euros, but he could not enjoy his purchase for long. The bus, loaded with tools, was stolen.

Tycho owes that his stolen bus was recovered to an observant Limburg apartment resident who called the police after an unknown large white bus stood in the parking lot for two weeks. It was towed away after the report.

“We received a phone call from the police. My father immediately drove there with the original key. The bus was in perfect condition. Everything was still there, only the tools such as the vibrating plate, pruning tools and hedge trimmer are gone. That also costs once almost 1900 euros, but luckily we have with the crowdfunding enough collected.”

A few days later and Tycho had never seen his bus again, the police suspect. “They think the thieves wanted to drive away with it and later set the bus on fire. The back was full of GHB and drug waste, we saw when my father opened it. The car was probably just loaded before departure.”

There are no signs of destruction. The young gardener has the key read again for safety. “And the garage is checked to make sure the thieves don’t have track and trace installed in it, in case they come back.”
