Txakoli is no longer what it was, and these are the reasons

He txakoli It has been a wine that has never been taken seriously. But that topic that weighed on him is fading faster than we imagine. That acidic white that was barely more suitable than to drink with friends while going to bars. it is charging a more than notable packaging. corroborates it Inaki Suareztechnical manager of the DO Bizkaio Txakolinawhich invites us to “grab a rubber band to delete the topics and hold a pencil to write down the new reasons to take it“. Are these.

It has acidity (the good kind)

“The RAE defines it as a wine with a lot of acidity and a low degree, but we are no longer in that. Quite the opposite, we have converted what generated prejudice, acidity, in a value factor, in a singularity that puts us on the map. Because now it is a gentle acidity. It’s not so, so citrusy, something that can go to the extreme point of being acetic, which is tremendously unpleasant. The good one wakes us up sensation of freshness, makes us salivate, makes us want another drink and another bite“.

Supports guard

“They say that txakolis have a short shelf life, that once bottled they have to be consumed in a matter of months. Well no. You have to erase that idea from your head. The young winesvintage, without passing through barrels, improve in terms of complexity and Its optimal consumption time can reach up to two or even three years, when they appear different, calmer and more rested, maintaining their capacity for varietal and territorial identification, so they continue to be fresh, fruity. The raised on lees They have personality, body, structure, length, they allow a broader gastronomic harmony and up to six years After bottling they maintain all that complexity. And the fermented in barrel They are giving us joy; The few old vintages that remain and we have tried make us smile in a brutal way; For example, last week I tried a 2005 that left me speechless, speechless! AND those of 2014, 2015 and 2016 are spectacular. Therefore, they show that They have the capacity to endure and improve“.

It can be foamy

“There are not many txakoli sparkling wines but more are made every year. We believe that, due to climate and grape variety, we can be a territory where sparkling wines with an Atlantic character will make people talk. Because the atlantic character is freshnesswithout much graduation, kindness in mouthpleases the palate and is not tiring”.

Huge variety of preparations

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“There is no single txakoli. The palette of possibilities is enormous. Are they youths, vintage; the specialswhich can be whites, rosés or reds aged on lees or aged in barrels; and with a broader perspective, with a vocation to respect tradition and looking to the avant-garde, there are other subcategories covered by the DO but not defined as txakolí: for example, ‘apartak‘is a wonderful folder that includes different preparations and maturations as ‘orange wines‘, sulfur-free wines, maturing in jars, in amphoraein all types of woods… We are empathetic with those who have concerns, we value the curiosities that some producers propose as long as they respect the territory, the varieties and the regulations.”

There are also reds and rosés

“He txakoli it can also be red. When we talk about txakoli, people think of a white, and it is normal because the production of red is negligible since it does not reach 2%. We are now in a time of transition and recovery in terms of production. But it is very exciting to see with what respect and concern they want to recover the natural, cultural and economic heritage in the DO. For this reason, every year a new project arises that proposes a red wine in one of the 38 wineries of the DO. They are very interesting reds, with a lot of personality and uniqueness, which is marked by an Atlantic character, so they are fresh and leave memories herbaceous, orchard, red and black berries. Wonderful for the afternoon. Now, in addition, it is combined with wood aging. We are preparing a new specification for red wines that will require a minimum of 50% of hondarribi beltza and other varieties that adapt to the Atlantic climate such as pinot noir and cabernet franc.
