Two young people injured in a fight in a park in Sittard 1Limburg

Two young people were injured in a fight between about ten young people in a park in Sittard on Wednesday evening. One of the injured had a stab wound.

The young people came to blows in a park on Hulsestraat. The emergency services received a report just after 8 p.m. of a stabbing in the Hof van Onthaasting, as the city park in the Sittard district of Hoogveld is called.

Police and two ambulances were sent to the scene of the incident. A police helicopter also flew over Sittard and the surrounding area. The two injured were taken to hospital by ambulance for medical care.

The investigation, which was launched immediately, has already led to the arrest of a suspect. Police are still looking for witnesses to the fight or anyone with more information about the incident.

It is not yet clear what prompted the fight.

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