Two wayward Junts will govern the Barcelona Provincial Council with PSC and Comuns

PSC and Commons They will govern with two wayward mayors together the Barcelona Provincial Council. The mayor of Igualada, Marc Castells; and that of Torrelles de Foix, Sergi Valleswho presented themselves in coalition with Junts in the municipal elections, will vote this Thursday in favor of the investiture of the mayoress of Sant Boi, Lluisa Moret, and will be integrated into the government of the entity. This is how the ACN agency has advanced it, waiting for both to explain in plenary the reasons that have led them to bet on a dissenting vote with Junts and in exchange for what. A decision that, in reality, as EL PERIÓDICO has learned, had already been made since last week but has been delayed due to the efforts of Jordi Turull’s party to try to retain them.

This unmarking in the post-convergent space accounts not only for the division between Junts and ERC, which have not managed to weave an alternative majority to govern the third institution in the country, but also for the internal schism between post-convergents at the gallop of the institutional weight loss that it be consummated in the middle of the general election campaign. They left the Government in October, they saw how the Socialists seized the mayoralty of Barcelona from them, how ERC agreed with the PSC the deputations of Lleida and Tarragona and, now, how they are also left without the power of an entity that represents some two million euros in salaries.

Castells and Vallès will vote in favor of Moret’s presidency, which will add a total of 25 votes, after an agreement to “outstanding strategic investments” in economic, social, tourist and infrastructure matters for the regions of Alt Penedès, Anoia and Garraf, the three regions of influence of Impuelsem Penedès. In fact, until 17 mayors have signed a document under the title ‘Sant Quintí de Mendiola Agreement’ in which they support the decision taken, which they frame in the consideration of the council as an institution at the service of the town councils. That, they say, has been “decisive” to finish “clearly prioritizing the territory”.

Junts does not consider them “wayward”

With a conciliatory vocation after his decision, Impulsem Penedès is committed to continuing to work to “build a central political space” with parties like Junts, with which they celebrate having obtained “great results” in the municipal elections. And also with the desire to remove the ghost of the division in the middle of the campaign, the leadership of Junts denies that the two mayors are two “wayward” and frame their decision within the “differences” that can exist with a “coalition” with local parties that have their own interests. They assure that they have chosen to go for a “sure shot”, because it has not been possible to guarantee that the alternative pact with an independence seal between Junts and ERC would go ahead due to the threat of a possible PP operation such as the one that occurred in the Barcelona city council.

No pro-independence alternative

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The agreement between the PSC and the Comuns with Tot per Terrassa sealed this Wednesday does not imply the entry into the government of the body of the mayor Jordi Ballart’s partyunlike the two mayors of Impulsem Penedès. The leader has negotiated based on a 25-page document with concrete measures for his city in a scenario in which he had the key and located between two waters, since Junts came to offer him the presidency to forge a pro-independence majority. If he has ended up being part of the equation with the socialists despite governing in Terrassa with ERC and with Junts at the municipal level, it is because of the Lack of agreement between the independentistas. “There has only been an articulated majority,” argue sources from the formation, which from the beginning was open to negotiating with each other.

That is the same finding that has ended up pushing Castells and Vallès to join the alliance led by the PSC so as not to lose influence and resources in the entity. The councils suppose a succulent financing so that the parties can maintain a territorial structure, in addition to investments for the municipalities.
