Two teenagers stabbed within 24 hours in Purmerend

Within 24 hours, two stabbings took place in Purmerend. The first happened on Wednesday evening in the Leeghwaterpark, the second yesterday afternoon on the Rocamadour. Both victims are 16 years old. It is not yet clear whether there is a connection between the two stabbings, the police are still investigating.

A young skateboarder became a skateboarder in the Leeghwaterpark on Wednesday evening stabbed in his arm out of the blue. The 16-year-old boy from Purmerend was skating under the viaduct when he was yelled at by two boys. He was chased and one of the boys then stabbed the skateboarder in the arm.

On Thursday around 5 p.m., a 16-year-old was also the victim of a stabbing. At the scene of the stabbing, officers found the victim with a superficial wound. The perpetrators had already fled. No one has been arrested, police said. They are still looking for witnesses.

It is not yet clear whether the two incidents are related. An investigation is underway, the police spokesman said.

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