Two Spanish police officers killed in collision with drug smugglers’ speedboat | Abroad

Two other members of the police force were injured, one of whom is in serious condition. The Spanish police union speaks of three deaths.

The collision took place near Barbate, a coastal town near the Strait of Gibraltar in the south of the country. Unofficial sources confirm to the Spanish daily El Pais that due to the passage of the Karlotta storm, some of the drug boats that normally wait on the high seas to deliver drugs had taken refuge on Friday in the port of Barbate, where the collision took place.

“There are more and more drug boats, worth more than 100,000 euros and belonging to mafias with many resources. It’s terrible what happened,” said Ana Villagómez, Cádiz’s drug prosecutor. “There are no resources or boats to combat that.” She believes that the officers are being let down by the authorities and emphasizes: “Let us not hope that the authorities will come to the funeral tomorrow to express their condolences if they do not provide the necessary resources later.”

The union has already demanded the resignation of the Spanish Minister of the Interior and a thorough investigation into the events.
