Two slaat alarm over drones at kerncentrale: mogelijk gestuurd door “buitenlandse mogendheid” | Buitenland

The Volgens ‘Aftonbladet’ was born on a night on the sea in Skåne, which is in the southern province of Zweden, drones were recorded.

Full information from ‘TV4 Nyheterna’ is available from the air transport system on the sea, signaled from the core center of Barsebäck and the air haven of Malmö. Ok there were reports from drones in drones in Svedala and Ystad.

The policy is confirmed in two media that the same seeds with the leger incidents onderzoeken waarbij lying objects zijn gemelded langs de kuststrook in Skåne.

Politiewoordvoerder Sara Andersson shows that the men on the spectrum of his association is met “a good country in the morning”. He won’t be able to make any bets in the air and will not be able to do anything.

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