Two nurses who played soccer save the referee, who suffered a heart attack

Two nurses who were playing a soccer game female they saved the referee’s lifewho during the meeting suffered a heart attack and collapsed on the field of play.

As reported by Emergencias Madrid, the event occurred in the sports facilities of the Canal de Isabel II, in Madrid.

A 73 year old man He was refereeing a women’s soccer match when he suffered a cardiac arrest and collapsed on the field.

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Two of the players, both nurses, immediately began the resuscitation maneuvers and cardiac massagethey called the 112 and they asked for a defibrillatoran “example of a perfectly established chain of survival”, as highlighted by Ervigio Corral, Samur-Civil Protection supervisorin a video sent to the media.

A few minutes after applying the defibrillator and cardiac massage, the man has recovered his pulse and consciousness, and after being stabilized, members of the Samur-PC have transferred him to the Clinical Hospital “with a very good prognosis.”
