Two more grain silos collapse during demonstration two years after massive port blast in Beirut | Abroad

Thousands of protesters gathered in Beirut today, two years after the massive port explosion, to denounce the government’s failure. They hope to uncover the truth behind the two-year explosion. During the meeting, two silos collapsed a few hundred meters away. That created a huge cloud of dust.

Last Sunday, part of the grain silos in the port of Beirut had already collapsed. The buildings were badly damaged in the explosion two years ago and there was a fire a few weeks ago.

Two years ago, almost day after day, the Lebanese capital was rocked by a huge explosion in the harbor. More than 200 people were killed, 6,500 people were injured and entire neighborhoods were wiped out. The explosion was caused by the storage of hundreds of tons of ammonium nitrate in the port. The investigation into the disaster has been blocked for months by political bickering.

The badly damaged grain silos were the symbol of the disaster for the Lebanese, so there were calls to preserve them. There would also have been 3,000 tons of grain in the silos, but that could not be unloaded due to the fire.

Some of the grain silos collapsed today. © AFP

Protesters hope to uncover the truth behind the blast.

Protesters hope to uncover the truth behind the blast. © AFP

REVIEW. Huge explosion in Beirut

REVIEW. How explosion shook life across Beirut
