Two more explosions in Antwerp, despite police cameras right in front of targeted homes | Instagram VTM NEWS

AntwerpOn Thursday night, unknown persons detonated an explosive in the Van Lissumstraat in Deurne and in the Deken De Winterstraat in Berchem. This confirms the Antwerp police zone. Both attacks are probably aimed at the EH family, who have also been targeted by drug criminals in the past.

Read more about the drug war in Antwerp in our dossier.

Around 1 o’clock at night, the residents of Deken de Winterstraat were awakened by a loud bang. Unknown persons had thrown an explosive device at the home of the EH family. The damage was limited to the front door and no one was injured. The police set up a perimeter and the DOVO demining service came to the scene for a trace investigation. The case is under further investigation. According to VRT NWS, mobile surveillance cameras have already been installed by the police directly opposite both homes. Those cameras were installed after previous incidents. It is the sixth time that the house has been the target of a drug attack. Police had previously intercepted suspicious vehicles in the area that may have been planning something similar.

LOOK. HLN LIVE reporter Daimy Van den Eede is on site in Deken de Winterstraat: “Link with drug environment is likely”

Series of attacks

The first of the series of attacks on the house of the EH family this year dates from July 17. A year earlier, the same house was also the target of a grenade attack. The El H. family was also the target of attacks in 2019 and 2020. In June 2020, a hand grenade exploded in front of the Stacks pancake house in Volkstraat. A son of the family had previously been prosecuted for drug crimes. He was initially sentenced to 30 months in prison for dealing cocaine. He was acquitted on appeal. On September 2, an armed commando was also arrested in Deken de Winterstraat. Among the suspects were two Dutch people aged 18 and one minor aged no less than 15 years.

An attack was also committed in the Van Lissumstraat in Deurne last night. Around 2 a.m. an explosive exploded against a house. The EH family also lives in this street. In August another attack was thwarted. It then concerned three men who had devised a plan in which they would throw a fire bomb at a house. However, the resident EH family had prepared after previous incidents and had surveillance teams in place to protect their addresses. Thanks to that extra surveillance, the two perpetrators were intercepted and taken to a specific location where they were held, beaten and tortured. The victims were eventually released.

LOOK. On November 4, the same house in the Deken de Winterstraat in Berchem was already targeted, resulting in this damage:

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