Two more Britons infected with rare monkeypox virus | Abroad

Two more infections with the rare monkeypox virus have emerged in the United Kingdom. The first infection was already detected last week. According to the British Health Agency UKHSA, two more people in London have now been infected. The two come from the same household and are not linked to the first case.

The health authorities are still investigating exactly how the two people contracted the virus. One of them had serious symptoms and is currently being treated in a special ward at St Mary’s Hospital in London. The other person did not require hospitalization and is in quarantine at home.

Anyone who had close contact with the two individuals was contacted and provided with the necessary information. “While the investigation into the source of infection is still ongoing, it is important to emphasize that the virus does not spread easily from person to person. This requires close personal contact with an infected person. So the overall risk to the general population remains very low,” said Colin Brown, UKHSA’s medical director.

What are monkey pox?

Monkeypox virus is a rare viral infection that does not spread quickly from person to person. The first symptoms can range from fever, headache and muscle aches to swollen lymph nodes, chills and fatigue.

A skin rash may also develop, which usually starts on the face and then spreads to other parts of the body. Eventually scabs form that fall off the skin after a while.

Most people recover after a few weeks. In exceptional cases, patients become seriously ill.


Monkeypox infection is emerging in England

More than 200 people found in US for possible exposure to rare monkeypox
