Two missing fishermen: search continues with sonar boat

The search for two missing fishermen on the Volkerak near Dinteloord continues on Wednesday morning. The police use a special sonar boat. The emergency services believe the victims have drowned, but are doing everything they can to recover their bodies.

On Tuesday the boat capsized on the water for unknown reasons. There were two other passengers in the vessel. One of them died, the second was pulled out of the water alive.

The accident happened around half past five in the afternoon. The police suspect that the victims are four Germans. The boat in which the anglers were traveling tipped upside down and the passengers ended up in the river.

After someone raised the alarm from a passing boat, the emergency services responded en masse. According to a police spokesperson, the cause of the accident is unclear. It is also a matter of guessing why the foursome entered the Volkerak with the boat.

Salvage operation
Because it is assumed that the two missing passengers are no longer alive, the emergency services converted the rescue operation into a recovery operation. “The emergency services have not suddenly left and they will continue to search for the time being, but no longer for injured people but for bodies,” said a spokesperson for the Safety Region.
