Two men beaten up by a group of young people in a train car: “My brother is in hospital with a broken eye socket” | The Pinte

De Pinte/Ghent/WaregemA group of young people beaten up two men on Saturday evening on the train from Ghent-Sint-Pieters to Kortrijk. When the train made a stop at De Pinte station, they struck. One victim, a 47-year-old man, is in hospital with a broken eye socket.

Two men from Waregem took the train to Ghent on Saturday for a fun night out. At about 0.40 hours they took the last train at Gent-Sint-Pieters station towards home. There was also a group of young people on that train. They were about ten. Things went wrong near De Pinte station.

Broken eye socket

The two men got into a fight with the youths. It is unclear what exactly caused the fight, but what is certain is that it suddenly became very aggressive. The gang attacked the two victims and dealt a few heavy blows. One of them was seriously injured. Fifteen minutes later the train stopped in Waregem, where the two battered men got off. “My brother went straight to the hospital. He was found to have a broken eye socket and his eye was also damaged. However, they could not help him, after which he was transferred to the hospital in Ghent,” says the sister of one of the victims.

In the meantime, she has started a search for possible witnesses to the incident. “Any help is welcome. If anyone has seen anything, we ask that person to go to the police. Hopefully we can find the culprits, but first of all I hope my brother is okay and he doesn’t suffer any permanent damage to his eye.”
