Two men arrested on suspicion of involvement in explosion Huizer Roef

The police have arrested two men who allegedly played a role in the explosion at the Roef in Huizen. That is what the Central Netherlands police say.

It concerns two men aged 36 and 21 from Amsterdam. According to the police, they were recently apprehended and are in custody. They are suspected of having played a role in the explosion in Huizen and also those in Hoef en Haag and Tienhoven. Due to the ongoing investigation, the police do not want to say more than this.

Two suspects were also arrested in early September. Then it concerned a 33-year-old from Rotterdam and a 42-year-old suspect from The Hague.

In the night of Saturday July 9 to Sunday July 10, things went horribly wrong when an explosive went off in front of a house on Huizer Roef. Exactly a week earlier, two homes there were closed by the mayor because a threat posed to these homes.

The residents had to leave the house in a hurry. The threat is said to be related to a conflict in the drug circuit.
