Two men arrested for filming Peter R. de Vries shooting | NOW

Two men suspected of having filmed the shot crime reporter Peter R. de Vries have been arrested in Curaçao and Spain. The Public Prosecution Service (OM) reported this on Tuesday.

A 27-year-old man has been arrested on Curaçao. That man with Dutch nationality will soon be transferred to the Netherlands.

In addition, a 26-year-old Dutch man was arrested in Spain. The Spanish authorities have been requested to surrender the man to the Netherlands. The surrender procedure is expected to take at least a few weeks.

It is believed that the two suspects immediately distributed the videos to increase the shock in society in the aftermath of the assassination attempt, reports the password

The two men arrested in Curaçao and Spain are the fourth and fifth suspects in the murder of De Vries. On Monday, a man suspected of remotely directing the executors of the murder of Peter R. de Vries was arrested.

OM demands life against gunman and driver

The suspected shooter G. and driver and ‘spotter’ E. have been demanded life sentences. A verdict in that criminal case will be handed down on 14 July. Meanwhile, the investigation into the principals for the murder continued.

De Vries passed away on 15 July at the age of 64.

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