Two members of a firefighting operation injured in Ávila

07/29/2022 at 21:39


A brigade member has suffered burns to the neck, while a worker from a ground crew has been affected by heat stroke

A brigade member has suffered burns to the neck and the worker of a ground crew a heat stroke while they were working to extinguish the fire that broke out in the early afternoon in the Avila municipality of Collado del Mirón (29 inhabitants).

As reported by the Autonomous Administration through its social networks, it is a worker of the Civil Protection Plan for Forest Fire Emergencies in Castilla y León (Infocal), who during the work to put out this fire, has suffered a stroke of heat.

In the same fire, declared in this town located more than 70 kilometers west of the capital of Avila, almost on the border with the province of Salamanca, one of the members of one of the Forest Fire Reinforcement Brigades (BRIF) has suffered burns to the neck.

Both workers are part of the device that intervenes in the extinction of this fire in which 26 media and 100 professionals participate.

The Junta de Castilla y León has declared this fire in Collado del Mirón de Level 1 of danger on a scale of 0 to 3 in the province of Ávila, due to the possible affectation of more than 30 hectares of wooded masses.

This fire occurs after those declared in Cebreros and San Juan de la Navawhich are currently controlled after having devastated more than 4,700 hectares.
