Two injured in fire in transformer house Apeldoorn

Two injured in fire in transformer house Apeldoorn

Two men suffered serious burns on Wednesday in a fire in a transformer house on Kanaal Zuid in Apeldoorn, the police reported. Signals have been received that it may be copper thieves, but the police point out that this should be investigated first.

The injured, a 20-year-old man from Apeldoorn and a 38-year-old man without a permanent home or residence, were rushed to hospital.

As a result of the fire, which broke out around 10:30 a.m., power went out at about four hundred properties in the area. Grid operator Liander had to be called in to disconnect the 10,000 volts before the fire service could carry out an inspection.

The fire was under control just after 11 a.m. and around 12.30 p.m. the security region announced that the power outage had been resolved.

The police will question the men as soon as possible. The spokesperson does not want to say where the signals of copper theft came from.
