two comebacks and African pop’s greatest hero

Arcade Fire had a comeback show at London’s iconic Koko nightclub last week.Statue Michael Marcelle

Hi Robert. What was the comeback of the most sensational band of this century like?

‘Insane. The stubborn indie band Arcade Fire has always performed at the biggest Dutch festivals on the most important stages, at Pinkpop for example. About five years ago they unfortunately made a bad record, Everything Now† Then they started playing a bit ABBA-esque, with a theme that wasn’t really good either: whining about the fact that we’re all looking at our phones. Yes, we’ve been doing that for twenty years, so I’d like to have a few more. The album before that, reflector, which came out seven years ago, was a good record. And now there is Wean awesome album.

Last week I was at the comeback show at the iconic Koko nightclub in London. It was completely driven, manic, compelling: so much happened. Each song was shouted to heaven as a kind of prayer. I’m glad they’re back on stage and they’ve made such a good album again. on We they go back to the old sound, with accordions and hammering pianos. You get sucked into it more and more, because it gets heavier and heavier rhythmically. And in the end comes some kind of redemption, The Lightning II and II

Arcade Fire criticizes everything, but also offers solutions, that’s what makes them so good. The solution of We is about belonging together again, about how we as humanity are a collective. The lyrics sometimes seem religious, during the concert it sometimes seemed like you were standing in a revival tent. But the album is again old-fashioned Arcade Fire: very beautiful.’

That sounds delicious. What did you think of Warpaint, the other indie band with a new album?

‘Like Arcade Fire, Warpaint is a band with a very unique sound, and they haven’t made records for years. I think it’s very beautiful music. The vocals are beautiful, it sounds dark and menacing, but especially the rolling basslines are appealing. The first two songs, Champion and hipsare very cool. Radiate Like This was about when the lockdown started, but the four female band members postponed the album and tinkered with it for another two years. You can really hear that, one layer follows the other nicely, and it is well put together. Especially on the number Champion you hear how all layers unfold, like an accelerated movie of a flower that opens. More and more is added, it is getting heavier. It’s simply beautiful music, which many Volkskrant readers will find beautiful.’

What else is worth listening to this week?

‘Absolute Timbuktu by Oumou Sangare. A lot has been happening in African pop in recent years, with Burna Boy, for example, which is huge worldwide, and the immensely popular afrobeats. You would almost forget how strong traditional Malian music is, until you hear the warm voice of Oumou Sangaré. Her previous, brilliant album mogoya, with a lot of synthesizers, was funky and almost sounded like electropop. This record is a bit more traditional and sad at times. Understandable, since Sangaré sings, among other things, about how the war is destroying Mali. I am a big fan, she is the biggest hero of her genre. The number Sabou Dogone for example, you can really mop me up with that. Or the cheerful, energetic song Wassulu Don† Just very good.’

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