Two Bulgarian policemen die after being hit by bus carrying people smugglers | Abroad

A bus carrying migrants hit a police vehicle in Bulgaria this morning. Two police officers were killed, the Bulgarian government said, which will step up its fight against illegal migration following the incident.

The incident occurred near the city of Burgas, on the Black Sea. “Although two roadside checks were underway, the vehicle did not stop. A patrol gave chase and blocked the road,” said Stanimir Stanev of the Interior Ministry. The bus then drove into one of the police cars. The two police officers in the car were killed instantly, Stanev reports. The officers were 30 and 43 years old.

The bus had a total of 47 people of Syrian origin on board. Among them were women and children. One Syrian has been arrested on suspicion of organizing people smuggling. The bus driver fled.

Read more under the photos:

About 47 people of Syrian descent were on board the bus. © AFP

Two police officers were killed in the incident.

Two police officers were killed in the incident. © AFP


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Measures against illegal immigration

Following the incident, Bulgarian Interior Minister Ivan Demerdjiev has announced “unseen measures” against illegal immigration. Due to the possible complicity of some agents of the border police, the minister also demands the resignation of the head of the department concerned.

Bulgaria is located on the EU’s external border, on a route often used by migrants trying to reach Western Europe. A 259 kilometer long barbed wire fence was therefore placed between 2014 and 2017, but it has since been damaged in several places. A hundred soldiers will now be deployed to maintain the fence, the minister announced. In addition, new cameras will be installed.

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