Two bankruptcies for the London Spitfire in the first OWL weekend

London Spitfire has lost its first two matches of the opening weekend of this year’s Overwatch League. The team lost 3-1 to Washington Justice on Thursday and 3-1 to Boston Uprising on Sunday.

Washington Justice proved to be a tough opponent early on in London’s first match of the season. The first round ended in a quick 2-0 for the North American team. Although London then narrowly equalized, Washington Justice decided to win in the following two rounds (3:1, 1:0) and thus in the game.

The game against Boston Uprising started out promising. Albeit with difficulty, the London Spitfire won 2-1 on the first map. However, the team could not prevent Boston’s race to catch up: in the next two rounds, Spitfire lost 1:2 to the competition, who made their match victory perfect with a 1:0 on the final map.

London Spitfire has time to collect until the next matches. On May 12, the team meets Vegas Eternal, formerly Paris Eternal, and Florida Mayhem two days later.
