Two arrested for trying to kick squatters out of their apartment

The Local Police of Calella (Maresme, Barcelona) has arrested this Wednesday the occupied flat owners when they have entered the house by force to throw out the occupants.

The owners of the house, located in the Codina Apartments from the seaside town, two Frenchmen aged 84 and 53 who are father and son, have used a kickstand to gain access to his flat by force. When they have done they have attacked with a spray to one of the people who were inside, according to has been published by the local media Ràdio Calella Televisió.

It so happens that the detainees, now accused of the alleged crimes of entering another’s home and coercion, had gone to the police on Monday, two days before their arrest, to report the squatting of the flatalleging that it was the third time that they suffered a squat in that house.

money and bladed weapons

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In addition to the goat’s foot and the spray, the local police have also seized two small white weapons and a large amount of money.

After being formally arrested, they have been handed over to the Mossos d’Esquadra of Pineda de Marwhich has referred them to the duty judge.
