Twitter, hashtags and hate after the attack against Cristina Kirchner

The images quickly went viral and were convincing: a person had tried to assassinate Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner. An act of extreme gravity and reprehensible that not only attacks the Vice President of the Nation, but also against our democracy. This has affected social networks.

The hashtags which was used to refer to the fact, at first, was #ACFK attack, adding more than 75,000 mentions and remaining a trend for more than 10 hours. Another trend joined the conversation: #NoLesCreoNada, reaching more than 30,000 tweets. They also became a trend but to a lesser extent: #CFKSeVictimiza, # NuncaMas and #OperetaK.

One hour after the moment they tried to kill the vice president, the politicians who had been mentioned the most on Twitter, in addition to CFK and Alberto Fernández, were: Amalia Granata (32,000 mentions), Ricardo Lopez Murphy (12,000) and Hannibal Fernandez (20,000).

Amalia Granataprovincial deputy of Santa Fe, at 10:20 p.m. wrote: “All armed pantomime!!! they no longer know what to do victimize her! And to go up in the polls! too many obvious. They’ve run out of choreo and corruption. Come on, Argentina, we can get ahead without these criminals.”

A Ricardo Lopez MurphyInstead, he was reminded of a tweet he had written on August 27:It’s them or us”. And Aníbal was the only minister who (at the time of writing this article) did not express himself on social media in support of Cristina Kirchner, although he did retweet @CasaRosada on Friday with the hashtag #AllForDemocracy.

Among the words that stood out the most on the platform to describe the event, they highlighted “assassination”, “repudiation”, “democracy”, “unfortunate” and “failed”, among others. “Democracy” was the most used term on Twitter with more than 315,000 mentions. “Repudiation” was used in more than 155,000 tweets and, “National holiday”, was used more than 215,000 times after the national chain of the President.

All words that, likewise, were well below the number of times that “Cristina” was mentioned: 914,000 in the first two hours, also surpassing “Alberto” by a large majority, which garnered 152,000 mentions. Patricia Bullrichon the opposition side, had more than 39,000 posts.

The president of the PRO was one of the last political references to refer to the event, after 00:30, with the following tweet: “The president is playing with fire: instead of seriously investigating a serious incident, he accuses the opposition and the press, and decrees a holiday to mobilize militants. Turn an individual act of violence into a political move. Regrettable”.

The front of all From his official profiles he called for the march to Plaza de Mayo for Friday at noon. “In defense of democracy. More united than ever. For democracy, for peace. In solidarity with Cristina. Put the Argentine flag as a profile picture on your networks”. Following that slogan, different members of the National Cabinet supported.

And other hashtags joined the conversation, like #NoAdhieroAlHoliday that came to lead the ranking with 19,000 mentions, alternating with #WeNoLesBelieveNothing with 12,000. “Nisman”, a word that had appeared on Thursday night, also managed to stay until Friday afternoon with more than 85,000 mentions.

In Google, three hours after the fact, “Cristina” reached the maximum search level. The most searched related terms, around that word, were the following: “to kill Cristina”, “they wanted to kill Cristina”, “attack on Cristina Fernandez”, and “Cristina holiday”. And throughout the weekend the tweet discussion was equally active: #False attack, #Mayans and #SabagMontiel are still among the most viewed even today Monday.

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