Twin Peaks singer Julee Cruise has died

Soft, dreamy and otherworldly, Julee Cruise’s music was a perfect match for director David Lynch’s films. The singer’s greatest success was the song “Falling”, which served as the theme song for the mystery series “Twin Peaks”. Now her husband announced that Julee Cruise passed away on June 9th.

“She left this world on her terms,” ​​her husband Edward Grinnan wrote on Facebook. The short contribution ends with the sentences: “I have her ‘Roam’ (note: song by B-52), played during the transition. Now she will roam forever. Rest in peace my love”. Julee Cruise was 65 years old at the time of her death.

Cooperation with David Lynch and Moby

The collaboration with David Lynch began in 1986. During the filming of “Blue Velvet” the director was unsuccessfully looking for a haunting voice for the soundtrack, so Italian composer Angelo Badalamenti brought the then 30-year-old into the role. Cruise sang “Mysteries of Love” for the cult film and a trio with a clear formula for success was born. Lynch wrote the lyrics, Badalamenti composed and Cruise sang. “Falling” climbed into the top ten in the UK charts and topped the charts in Australia.

Cruise later dated Moby, covered Elvis Presley and sang in off-Broadway musicals. In 2018, she announced her lupus disease on her Facebook page. Cruise is said to have suffered from severe pain that severely affected her walking.
