Twice as many road deaths as last year

Twice as many road deaths as last year

In the first six months of the year, 37 people lost their lives on the roads of West Flanders. In total there were 33 fatal traffic accidents, an increase of 74 percent compared to the same period last year.

Since the measurements, this is the highest number of road deaths.

June: black month

January scores lowest with three fatalities, followed by February with four. April and May each have five, followed by March with six. January, February and March are in line with previous years. April and May score slightly higher. June scores remarkably high with ten fatal traffic accidents.

Most accidents in June happened during the day, during the week. This concerns both natural deaths and speeding violations and no priority.

Most fatal traffic accidents happened, just like in previous years, in the judicial district of Bruges. It is mainly passenger cars that are involved in fatal traffic accidents.

“Be alert and respect the highway code”

The governor of West Flanders is sounding the alarm. He repeats the ten commandments in traffic:

  1. Be alert as a road user
  2. Anticipate someone else’s behavior and be courteous
  3. Respect the highway code
  4. Stick to the speed
  5. Make sure you are clearly visible
  6. Don’t check your cell phone while driving
  7. Do not use alcohol or drugs
  8. Drive defensively
  9. Set your GPS before you go
  10. Always wear your seat belt
