Twenty companies and universities create the Alliance Blockchain France

Blockchain is a technology that is of increasing interest to companies and the subject of sovereignty is central to it. This is why a consortium of around twenty French companies and universities decided to come together to form the Alliance Blockchain France.

The Alliance Blockchain France wants to democratize the blockchain

With this new French alliance, the idea is to support and to accelerate the development of initiatives around the blockchain. According to Orange Business Services, the originator of this initiative, “this consortium will have the mission of deploying a common blockchain infrastructure which will gradually open up to all French industrialists and administrations wishing to benefit from the advantages of the blockchain”.

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Thanks to the Alliance Blockchain France, our country will be able, like its European peers, to have a blockchain network supported by major manufacturers, academics, start-ups, making it possible to democratize this technology down to the smallest players. The consortium brings together the following entities: Orange Business Services, Atos, Archipels, Docaposte, Agdtahub, Anycommerce, BC Diploma, Blockchain Secure, IRT Nanoelec, Droon, IN Group (formerly Imprimerie Nationale), Kapalt, Nomadic Labs, Quantum BCS , Suez, Talao, University of Lille, Lyon 1, and Worldline.

Before the launch of this initiative, others had already emerged in Europe, including a Spain called Alastriawith more than 600 members, or ID Union in Germany. During its first year of existence, the Alliance Blockchain France will be led by Antoine Maisonneuve, director of the blockchain program at Orange Business Services.

An essential technology for digital transformation

The association also aims to maintain the economic competitiveness of French companies. Indeed, the blockchain has already demonstrated its ability to generate significant productivity gains while strengthening the trust and security of exchanges between its users. To achieve this, the actors of the Alliance Blockchain France will have to “to make blockchain known and recognized as an essential technology for the digital transformation of French companies and administrations”. For this, the consortium knows that it is necessary to build a common and transversal vision on the uses of the blockchain.

Over the next few months, the objective will therefore be to enable the democratization of the blockchain by contributing to the dissemination of information on this technology, “especially in the world of education and in government working groups”, according to the Alliance Blockchain France. The members of the association also plan to promote the creation of shared infrastructures making it possible to host projects, to publicize national, European and international calls for projects and to lead working groups by sector, particularly in the fields of the circular economy, finance, supply chain, identity and health.
