Tweede minors opged for a visit to Thierry Baudet in café | Buitenland

He is a suspected op-pack for the Dutch politician Thierry Baudet in a café in Groningen. The two suspected – opnieuw a minor – zit intussen vast en wordt vrijdag voorgeleid aan de Rechts-commissaris (the Dutch equivalent of a onderzoeksrechter). He was a young boy of 15 years old and had a vast amount of water. The arrest of the young people from Groningen is only possible for 14 days.

The two suspicions even came from Groningen and there was a suspicion of fraud in Baudet, but it never happened.

Op het hoofd geslagen met beerflesje

Mogelijk was hij betrokken bij het voorbereiden van de bizarre actie van maandag. The Dutch politician Thierry Baudet from the right-wing populist party Forum for Democracy will be held around 18 o’clock in the morning with a beer in the café The Cabin in Groningen, which is part of the campaign. Hij must be after the ziekenhuis om aan zijn verwondingen te has been treated.

KIJK. Thierry Baudet lived with his glazed flowers in Groningen

Shortly after the incident involving politics, a 15-year-old scholier was presented. Op filmpjes is te zien dat the suspicions first op de foto lijkt te gaan met Baudet en daarna a beerflesje pakt en met de onderkant daarvan hard op Baudets hoofd slaat, vlak bij zijn oog. You can test it twice as long as you can use it to protect against the ground works.

This day was a word for the Antifascist Actie (AFA) Noord, who was 15 years old and was responsible for the Antifa movement. The lever of AFA Noord meteen zóveel bedreigingen on that de wordvoerder en dag later probeerde zijn claim after te zwakken.

KIJK. Baudet over the aanval in the café: “This is a political issue”

“Mental problems”

Of the two suspects the is opgepakt iets with AFA Noord te maken heeft, of what zijn rol precies is, is onduidelijk. The Dutch Open Baar Ministry will vanwege de young leeftijd van the suspicions little kwijt, behalve dat “justitie zich zorgen maakt over de personlijke omstandigheden van both suspicions”. Duidelijk was the first op-packaged suspect with the current mental problems.

The open ministry speaks of a certain suspicion, which is why people are worried about the suspicions in the other world. “Twee young people were suspected of (betrokkenheid bij) and punishable by the mistreatment of a politician. This mishandling has a greater impact.”


The Parket Oost-Flaanderen reports on the fact that it has not yet been decided on by the 32-year-old Oekraïner, who has previously met a paraplu on the roof of the sloeg, for a bijeenkomst at the University of Ghent. “The man is in the middle of the world, we monitor the inner city and the other way around,” Aldus has a word in the park.

KIJK OOK. Thierry Baudet met paraplu in Ghent
