Twee klimmers brengen night hanging in harnas door nadat ze vast komen te zitten op rotswand | Buitenland

Twee klimmers zaten afgelopen zondag vast on a rotswand in the Franse Savoie. The door to the bad weather is not supported by the help services of the twin tigers. Daardoor brought ze de night hanging in hun harnas door en konden ze pas maandagochtend bevrijd. “We don’t have a warm house,” says van de Klimmers.

Two young children aged 20 and 24 years old were born on the wall of the Croix des Têtes in Saint-Julien-Mont-Denis (Savoie). Door de bad weersomstandigheden konden hulpdiensten het tweetal niet meteen redden waardoor ze genoodzaakt goods om de night op de rotswand door te brengen.

Matthieu and his friend Cédric started on the route. “He was the hero of the day, it was windy and the contract was concluded. Bovendien hadden we geen rekening gehouden met de tijdsverandering (…) There was a lot of noise at night, what het onmogelijk om nog verder te geraken,” says Matthieu, a van of the two mountain beklimmers to the local people.

Omdat the onmogelijk was om terug te keren, stopten de twintigers op en vlak glooiend area in the middle of the vertical cliffs and contacteerden ze de hulpdiensten.

Dekens om de night door te come

The reddingswerkers of the various pogingen om de two terug te halen, maar tevergeefs. “The wind door from the helicopter was not close enough to the Rotswand,” said Mathieu Verder. “Uiteindelijk regen we have tas with blankets, warm drinks and gloves, we were able to come home at night.”

The last night was a real example for the twin tigers. “We hung in one harness, with both voices vastly plastered on the wall. We try on our overlevingsdekens bij ons te houden, maar het waaide zodanig hard dat we niet conden warm blijven,” voegt hijer nog aan toe.

Pas in de vroege ochend, around 8 o’clock, are ze uiteindelijk talked about. The klimmers recognized that the “veel fouten” had been made, the supervision of this was never before the rules had been taken and on the other side of the “buitengewone werk” by the Reddingsteam.

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