twee door hem gesteunde candidate delven onderspit in georgia

Sowel governor Brian Kemp as local minister of inland countries Zaken Brad Raffensperger won hun voorverkiezing om het in November tegen hun Democratic concurrent op te nemen. The two Republicanse candidates who explicitly voted for Trump, David Perdue and Jody Hice, did not exist in Germany primary. Before the end of the year, it was lost with an additional 21.8 percent of the total value of 73.7 for Kemp. Raffensperger won with 52.3 percent in vermeed zo a run-off tegen Hice, which had 33.4 percent.

Trembling Gov. Brian Kemp will speak to Trump candidate David Perdue.Beeld AP

‘Heave Vind 11,000’

Kemp and Raffensperger will win in 2020 national and international bekendheid toen ze ondanks although druk van de toenmale president refuse to meet in Trumps pogingen om de kiesuitslag in Georgia in zijn voordeel om te draaien. The state is to begin with in the first 30 years of a year for a Democracy: Joe Biden has announced that the state is within 0.23 percent of the difference.

Raffensperger kreeg begin January 2021 bijvoorbeeld a telefoontje van Trump met de explicite vraag om nog 11,780 te ‘vinden’. “He is never mis mee than ever shows dat ever [de uitslag] Opnieuw berekend will be raised,” said Trump in his speech about a possible opname. Raffensperger and Kemp arch real rivet in noemden de verkiezingen in hun state eerlijk, tot big woede van Trump.


At the end of the VS it was announced that the coming weeks would not be completed before the VS midterm-verkiezingen from 8 november. Het hele Huis van Afgevaardigden was then vernieuwd, not as a derde van de Senaat. Before the Democrats bestaat de kans dat ze hunderderheid in een of both chambers of the Congress, what Biden’s democratic agenda tijdens het two deel van zijn ambtstermijn you can lamleggen.

Long since the beginning of the Republic of Germany it has been intended as a test for the popularity of ex-president Donald Trump, which has not yet been implemented since that time over two years ago, when the President is in office. The lack of support for the two Trump-Getrouwen in Georgia is not considered to be that of the former President. In the long run, the two Republicans in the United States are still dead and the Trump candidate is a candidate, according to the Reuters office.

Minister van Binnenlandse Zaken Brad Raffensperger won zijn Voorverkiezing on thanks forse tegenwind von Donad Trump.  Beeld AP

Minister van Binnenlandse Zaken Brad Raffensperger won zijn Voorverkiezing on thanks forse tegenwind von Donad Trump.Beeld AP


Bovendien draaien de Voorverkiezingen en de midterms om veel meer dan de figurine van Trump, zeggen analists. Het right-wing populist thought egoed that the president attached is also bij figures that never explicitly steun krijgen springlevend. “In 2016, Trump wanted some candidates who met a populist program,” says Republican strategist Alex Conant on Reuters. “Now there are things right now about the great majority of the Republican candidates.”

Also, Chuck Warren’s strategy is toe that “the most important thing that Trump has changed is that the Republic isn’t going to try it again for a while about what it says properly”. “My partij has become a big deal,” says het samenvattend.

Trump candidate David Perdue gaf gisteren zijn nederlaag toe.  Beeld ANP/EPA

Trump candidate David Perdue gaf gisteren zijn nederlaag toe.Beeld ANP/EPA

So went governor Kemp bijvoorbeeld wel niet mee in Trump’s tirades rond stemfraude, maar dat betekent niet dat hij plots een softe Republikein what became. The stem bets have been tightened in Georgia for the past few years, because the lower limit of the moeilijker is made up for when the stem is used. Also, abortion will be stricter in the state, and wagers will not be tampered with.

Trump will not lose any of his records. Because he was a candidate for the Senate Committee in Georgia, Herschel Walker, he said. In Texas, Ken Paxton, also a Trump candidate, was announced as a candidate, and in Pennsylvania the Republican ticket went to the governor’s office in November to Doug Mastriano. The pleit voor een verbod op abortus zonder uitzondering, en steunt Trump in zijn ongefundeerde claims about verkiezingsfraude in 2020.
