Twee doden en twaalf wound up by brand in Turks hotel, Belgium Kaylee en Quinten done: “Iemand sprang uit wanhoop gebouw uit” | Buitenland

In the Turkse tourist city of Antalya, in the south-west of the country, there is a large brand broken in a hotel at night from April to December. Volgens Turkse media many daarbij in total twee doden en twaalf won. Other hotel guests were also Belgian tourists Kaylee Hemelaer and Quinten Nijs. You shouldn’t talk about the chaotic hulpverlening en het Gebrek aan begeleiding van het hotel personnel, verellen ze aan onze redactie. “He created overal chaos. Eén person is sprang from wanhoop zelfs from het gebouw.”

Het vuur brak afgelopen night omstreeks 03.30 uur uit in het Alp Paşa Boutique Hotel in Kaleici, het oude stadscentrum van Antalya. “We’ll wake up by the screams and the rook geur,” Kaylee said in Quinten aan our redactie. The two Belgen hadden as quickly as possible because the fire was broken in the hotel with three verdiepingen, and a test ground zichzelf in veiligheid te brengen. Ze benadrukken dat de rookmelders in het hotel op geen grand moment zijn afgegaan. “That also confirms the other guests met how we spoke,” says Kaylee.

In nooduitgangen of fire traps they were never. “We zijn dan maar sprangen via het balcony van de buren to het dak van een gebouw aan de overkant van de straat”, vertellen ze. Maar also daar most of the tourists to their own zeggen even longer than hulp guards. “Someone who was bij ons, had zich aan zijn voet verwond. We are about to start thinking about what is going on there.

Maar op veel begeleiding van the hotel services most of the guests not rekenen. “It was overly chaos,” Kaylee says. “Een van de hotelmedewerkers stone will be te kijken naar het vuur, voor de rest will be appreciated by no one else.” Volgens de Belgen zou er ook één person in blinde paniek uit het brandende building zijn sprang. “The person – the second thing – gets the first hulp, but hey, there’s a half hour before the brick wagon arrives,” het says.

All tourists will be overlaid on a hun lot

Belgen Kaylee en Quinten

Two Lebanese tourists were defeated

As a result, Kaylee and Quinten were also unable to provide help in the situation. “Toen de brandweerlieden eindelijk aankwamen, konden ze hun brandweerwagens not maneuver in the small streets. Het was really a catastrophe,” says Quinten. Uiteindelijk parkeerden ze hun voertuigen two straten verder en zetten ze verlengstukken in om met hun brandslangen aan het hotel te raken, het klinkt. “In de tussentijd all tourists will be overlaid aan hun lot. We will try to keep the same thing in a safe place.”

When the fire starts, two people are expected. Het zou gaan om a Lebanese man (52) and zijn partner (53). The two zones in the bad room of the hotel room are overleden after the first row in the inner kregen. Hun two children, 18 and 23 years old, dates in the camera seriously and raises the brand well overleefd, reports the Turkse nieuwszender NTV.

We’re about to complain about the leaking airco, so he’ll never do it

Belgen Kaylee en Quinten

Defective air conditioning

A possible runway is that the brand veroorzaakt will be due to a defective air conditioning, will be evaluated by Turkse media. Also, Kaylee and Quinten maakten de hotelmedewerkers at the beginning of the month, the remaining attention to the hood airco in the second half of the year, divided between the two. “We’ve arrived at the end of the day before we’ve arrived at the reception. We’re going to complain about that, but he’ll nooit it’s going to happen,” he says. “Once there was stone on the water, the house there was stone more than he wanted and it was also moldy.”

In addition, there were still other brand risks in the hotel room of Kaylee and Quinten. De haardroger bijvoorbeeld. “When the brewed, he started on a second rook uit te komen. Maar ook dat leek de medewerkers niet veel te kunnen schelen”, Aldus Quinten.

Kaylee and Quinten went several times complaining about the leaking airco, but he'd never done it.
Kaylee and Quinten went several times complaining about the leaking airco, but he’d never done it. © Kaylee Hemelaer, Quinten Nijs

Kaylee Hemelaer, Quinten Nijs
© Kaylee Hemelaer, Quinten Nijs

Kaylee Hemelaer, Quinten Nijs
© Kaylee Hemelaer, Quinten Nijs

He was also moldy in the room in the two Belgen.
He was also moldy in the room in the two Belgen. © Kaylee Hemelaer, Quinten Nijs

“One spool zijn opgebrand”

The two Belgian tourists stay until Tuesday in Turkije. With the hulp van Reisagentschap Corendon zijn ze othertussen naar een other hotel can verhuizen. “We are going to go to Corendon with only a few scratches and a drug. We stay also in nauw contact with the travellers, and with the ambassador.”

Kaylee and Quinten raise daarentegen nog not belong to the Alp Paşa Boutique Hotel. “He does not yet give anyone a fee om na te gaan of we veilig zijn.” Also, over your spools, the vermoedelijk allaal zijn opgebrand, weten de twee Belgen voorlopig niets. “We raise quite a few things in our room, so we raise no veel hoop. No one likes it at the moment, including his personel, het hotel betreden omdat he een politieonderzoek gaande is”, het clicks.

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