Twan Huys now receives a question from the TV audience: ‘Hanging legs!’

Twan Huys is used to his guests having to answer questions from the audience, but last night it was his turn in the talk show Op1. “Didn’t you feel shame?”


A new season of College Tour is coming – the already much-discussed episode with Sigrid Kaag forms the kick-off – and that is why Twan Huys did some promotion at Op1 last night. There they had thought of filling the studio with students to ask the presenter himself some questions this time.

Hanging legs

One Sofie Doppen, student Liberal Arts and Sciencesasks Twan: “I was wondering: did you feel any embarrassment to come back to the NPO with hanging legs after the failed Late Night?”

‘Sagging legs’… It leads to some discomfort in the studio and with Twan. He replies, “Oh, good question. Haha. Don’t be ashamed. Certainly not, but when the program failed, I thought: well, now I better become a waiter in a restaurant that is not doing well, for now I no longer have to practice this branch of sport.”

Call for Twan

Twan thought there was no room for such a quick return to the NPO. “What I did then: I started writing a book, a walking book. So don’t be ashamed at all, no, it’s a pity if something doesn’t work out. But very shortly afterwards I received a call from a director of a public broadcaster who asked if I wanted to join his club.”

He continues: “I was very pleased that that happened, of course. I said no to that, by the way. What I learned from it, because: yes, it is very shit when something like this happens…”

Lesson humility

Op1 presenter Amber Kortzorg: “Perhaps a lesson in humility. Not everything can be successful.”

Twan: “That’s important. That that happens once, because everyone runs into that at some point. How old are you, if I may ask?”

The student: “I’m 22.”

Twan: “It’s always difficult when something doesn’t work out, the only question is whether you shouldn’t take a risk next time.”


That is also what Twan wants to pass on to her. “I am very happy that I took the risk to do something that was an adventure. It sounds very cliché, but I would have regretted if I hadn’t. In fact, I blasted through it and I feel I came out better.”

He concludes: “Shame is not the right word.”


Twan at Op1:
