Twaalf cafeterias opgepakt voor dodelijke winkelbrand in China | Buitenland

Staatspersbureau Xinhua reports on the basis of bronnen to the local authorities that the brand waarschijnlijk is veroorzaakt door “het illegal use of vuur” door bouwpersoneel in de kelder van de winkel. Volgens de Burgemeester van Xinyu veroorzaakt that zoveel rook, that also cafeteria on higher verdiepingen geen uitweg meer vonden. He went to the sea with the students who had their stay in an operational center and guests in a beautiful hotel.

President Xi Jinping has announced several incidents in the past. The brand in Xinyu from the plaats was then a brand at a school in the central province of Henan. This means that the children can sleep in the living room. In November there was a 26-minute fire in the Shanxi province and a 31-year-old explosion in a barbecue restaurant in the Ningxia region.
