“TV total”: Sebastian Pufpaff shares against Florian Silbereisen

Fans of the format should now be aware that “TV total” presenter Sebastian Pufpaff likes to dish out other celebrities and shows. In the current issue of March 16, he shot against pop singer Florian Silbereisen and “Deutschland sucht den Superstar”.

It all starts out harmless. With an ironic undertone, Pufpaff lets the audience know that he’s no longer looking forward to the weekend. “I’m looking forward to DSDS”. Because the casting show is currently running on Tuesdays on RTL.

“And there my highlight is the celebrity chatterbox Toby Gad. And he delivered something of that again,” he continues. He got the impression that Florian Silbereisen was increasingly annoyed by his jury colleague, music producer Toby Gad.

Pufpaff hands out against the DSDS jury

A clip from the current DSDS season is then played as proof. You can see a candidate who introduces herself to the jury, consisting of Gad, Silbereisen and the Dutch singer Ilse DeLange. When he learns that the candidate is a translator, Glad says that his wife is also a translator and works for the United Nations. You have already “translated all the presidents”.

But before he can continue to tell, he is interrupted somewhat rudely by jury colleague Silbereisen. He then asks the candidate: “And what else do you do?”

Florian Silbereisen’s “And what else do you do?” is the new “Shut up,” explains Pufpaff and goes on to blaspheme: “Flori probably thinks: ‘Say something quickly, otherwise Toby will ramble on about Beyonce’.” Glad had that for them namely already produced the hit single “If I Were a Boy”.

But that’s not all: Pufpaff has even more to complain about about Silbereisen. “As soon as the boring castings at DSDS are over, the really boring part of DSDS begins and at the end Captain Silbereisen gives a speech in the good old dream ship manner,” he says and plays another DSDS clip.

Silbereisen annoys with “dream ship” dialogues

There you can see how Florian Silbereisen says goodbye to the other jury members after the last casting episode before they come back together for the recalls. “I had tears in my eyes. Oh no. Was puke,” Sebastian Pufpaff comments on the excerpt. Every time Silbereisen uses some kind of ‘ship of dreams’ dialogue.

Pufpaff’s final conclusion on DSDS is also quite devastating: “Unfortunately, all the jurors made it into the recall. I was sad too.”
